Generate style guide

Config file missing?

Be sure to have a a-pollo.yml first, to do it check out how to init the project.


To generate the style guide, you just need to run this command:


This will run a-pollo locally and generate the site in the folder specified in the config.


This is the list of the properties inside the a-pollo.yml config file, basically it’s just an extension of Hexo configuration, so if you want to handle it’s configuration, just write what you need here.

Property Hexo’s shared config Description
title yes Will be shown on HTML page title
author yes Will be shown around the pages
date yes Not yet used
public_dir yes The target path the site will be generated
url yes HTTP server URL
theme yes Theme folder name, you can write your own theme
pages no The customized markdown pages will be published from Hexo
http_server no If the generated guide will be served by the HTTP server
use_markdown no Which method will be used to render the HTML template pages
style.docs no The path where the documentation files are
style.css no The path where the CSS for the documentation is, this is not the CSS of the a-pollo theme
style.images no Image assets for the CSS you are using
style.fonts no Fonts assets for the CSS you are using
header.logo no An image inside style.images to be used as image header inside a-pollo theme
header.description no The header description inside a-pollo theme
header.link no The header logo href inside a-pollo theme
footer.logo no An image inside style.images to be used as image footer inside a-pollo theme
footer.description no The footer description
footer.link no The footer logo href inside a-pollo theme

Then if you want to customize the a-pollo theme, check out how to do it here.

Choose config

If you need multiple configurations you can call the one you are using with this command:

./node_modules/.bin/a-pollo --config file_config.yml